The Statement of Purpose(SOP) is an introductory personal statement that is also known as a letter of intent. It is a small essay that discloses the student's motivation behind applying for a particular course in his/her desired University. It is one of the vital documents for getting admission into a foreign university. A strong SOP allows the University to have a better look at the applicant's overall persona and makes him/her stand out from the crowd.

Writing a University SOP is not an easy task. But with VisaBoard's best SOP writing services, you can make sure your clients receive their well-written SOP on time. There are some mistakes you should always try to avoid while writing the SOP for University.

6 Most common mistakes to avoid while writing University SOP

1) Allotting less writing time for SOP

Despite knowing the importance of SOP, leaving it to write at the last moment is the biggest mistake to avoid. A perfectly written SOP requires adequate time for research, brainstorming, writing, and proofreading. You can not simply copy-paste it from some sample SOPs on the internet. It represents the applicants' persona, and their admission and rejection solely depend on this document.

2) Not following proper writing structure

It is a known fact that the first impression makes a last impression. An impressive SOP always follows the proper writing structure. A good writing structure includes the Introduction, the main body, and the conclusion.

The Introduction and conclusion of the SOP must be attractive and impactful. It is advisable to start the Introduction of the SOP with a quote or motivational paragraph. In conclusion, summarize the vision and achievements of the applicant.

3) Writing A flashy & flattery SOP or using informal language

Another big mistake is making a flashy SOP or using informal language and a flattering tone in the SOP. An ideal SOP should be precise and written professionally using formal language and a polite and respectful tone. It shouldn't disclose arrogance and overconfidence.

SOP writing aims to describe the suitability between the candidate and the University. So, never become more flattery than necessary. The SOP should look decent, so avoid using flashy colors, font, and content.

4) Exceeding word limit by including irrelevant information

Another common mistake in SOP writing is not abiding by the word limit. SOP is not the autobiography of the candidate. So, do not write irrelevant information to look more intelligent and proficient. The SOP contains only precise and to-the-point information. Take the help from VisaBoard's Best SOP consultants for fast and quality SOP writing services.

5) Not being honest

Providing false information in an SOP can endanger the applicant's chances of being accepted into the University. In SOP writing, a slight embellishment of the truth is acceptable. But it is advisable to avoid writing and exaggerating facts regarding your scores and achievements.

6) Not doing editing and proofreading

Submitting the SOP without doing any editing and proofreading can create a bad impression on the admission committee. So, always remember once you are done writing the content for SOP, recheck it two to three times. Use editing and proofreading applications to correct spelling and grammatical mistakes.


For creating a perfect and well-written University SOP, a person must require good writing skills. If you are lacking in this skill, then VisaBoard will provide you with SOP writing assistance. We are India's first B2B portal. We are known for India's best and exceptional visa assistance and Visa SOP writing services provider. To avail of our services, contact us at +91-8980006117 or email us at

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